Persistence 🏦

Once we have a compute layer to execute code, we need a persistence layer to persist state.

Postgres provides a great, general-purpose option.

There are lots of helpful posts for setting up Postgres on Ubuntu (thx, all!), but here's a simplified version for hacking around.

Install postgres (and create "postgres" user):

sudo apt-get install postgresql

Launch postgres cli (psql; as "postgres" user):

sudo -i -u postgres
psql -U postgres

Create a database and connect to it:

create database foo;
\connect foo

Create service user (for service that's going to call db):

create user api_user with encrypted password 'bar';

Give service user access to db:

grant connect on database foo to api_user;
grant usage on schema public to api_user;

Create table in database:

create table users (id int, name text, primary key(id));

Give service user access to table:

grant select on users to api_user;

Exit psql:


Exit "postgres" user:


Test access:

export DATABASE_URL=postgres://api_user:bar@localhost:5432/foo

In Node (following Heroku's lead and using node postgres):

const { Pool } = require('pg');
const pool = new Pool({
  connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL
const result = pool.query('select * from users;', (err, res) => {
  console.log(err, res.rows)


Thoughts? Suggestions? Hit me up @erikeldridge


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